Refill Assistant provides easy-to-use online services to help you connect your pharmacy with your patients. The solution incorporates the world’s 1st GDPR (Europe) and HIPAA (USA) compliant prescription ordering system built for independent community pharmacies. The technology enables branded websites, mobile apps, appointments and telehealth to be cost effectively deployed for pharmacies.
Refill Assistant is a spin off from our sister company ProductWorld, a custom software developer with a strong focus on healthcare software. Healthcare software requires compliance to standards such as HIPAA and high levels of security. ProductWorld provides secure and compliant custom software platforms and applications for healthcare professionals to improve patient care, while meeting your unique business needs. Our uniquely experienced engineers have honed their skills over the last 10 years building our own SaaS products and also delivering multiple critical projects to large Irish, American and European customers. Clients include: Osram OS, Ei Electronics, XP Power, Fairchild Semiconductor, Logitech and PCCA.
We can build mobile, tablet or web applications that operate as an independent product or connect to your existing software application. The applications can be HIPAA and GDPR compliant plus incorporate security features like Patient Healthcare Information (PHI) encryption and 2-factor authentication login. For example, your organization can reduce its paperwork using custom electronic healthcare records to implement PHI records management; e-Prescribing; patient portals, physician portals, online patient scheduling, mobile billing or e- consultations.

We are the number 2 digital platform for Pharmacies
Instead of a homogenous websites, we create websites that pop and spring to life reflecting your pharmacy’s individuality and your standing in the community.
Instead of getting fax orders or an IVR integration, our mobile app comes with an integrated order admin and communication portal.
And, instead of creating advertising that just ticks a box, we create social advertising campaigns with high end powerful video ads that work.
And since we’re not the big fish, you won’t feel like a number in a uniform crowd. You’ll get to know us. And we you.
Oh and when there is a problem we respond. Fast.